7 Powerful Ideas On How To Express Love In Words: There Is Always A Way

Of course, you are in love with your partner; you feel it all in your heart, and your BAE knows it. But it is equally important to convey the feelings in words. And what about those of you who have a massive crush on that one girl or guy? They have no idea about it; in your case, it’s best you learn how to express love in words, or else they will never know about your true feelings. Don’t wait for special days or occasions to express yourself. Every day is the day of love.
Didn’t you hear if you want to make your admission of love extraordinary, you must say it out loud on an ordinary day? While saying “I love you” is one way to go, there are several other ways of expressing your love in words and maybe sometimes in actions.
Here are seven ways for you to express love in words and make your BAE skip a beat for you.
#1 Thank You
It’s magical what these two words can do. If you thought the only way to express your feelings was to say I love you, think again. The moment you acknowledge their efforts and part in the growth of your relationship and thank your partner for everything they do, that moment you lay your heart bare in front of them; you allow yourself to be vulnerable. That moment is made out of pure love.
For long-term relationships, appreciation can go a long way. Your partner brings a lot to the relationship. As far as you have reached, it’s because of the effort both of you have put into it. Taking a moment to appreciate that can show your boyfriend or girlfriend that you see them; you notice the work they put into building the relationship. It is as good as saying I love you. More than anything, it makes your partner feel valued.
#2 Love Notes
It might sound childish, but we need to keep our inner child alive to live a happier and fuller life. The faster you understand that, the better. Love notes are the perfect way to keep your relationship young, fun and express love in words. Take a sticky note, write something cute and romantic like, “every time I see you, I fall more in love,” and stick it to the fridge or the first thing they will see after waking up. Imagine starting your day with a lovely handwritten message from your BAE. If that does not keep your relationship fresh, I don’t know what will.
#3 Falling For You Everyday
We are all guilty of forgetting to tell our partners how much we love them on most days. Falling in love and remaining in love with your sweetheart is an everyday thing. You need to put in the effort every single day you are in love with your partner. It certainly does not end with you declaring your feelings the first time. That’s just the beginning.
Subtly remind your partner that you love them today just as much as you loved them the first day, if not more. For instance, you can say, “I love waking up to your good morning message,” “your voice is the first thing that I want to hear,” or even something as practical as, “take rest today; I will take care of everything.” It makes your partner feel desired.
Read : 5 Different Love Languages – Get to Know Them
#4 Plan A Trip, Tell Them
Among the best ways to express love in words, planning a surprise trip with your partner and telling them about it the day before is one of the grandest. A weekend trip is your best bet if you are planning to surprise your BAE. This way, you don’t have to ruin the surprise by asking them to apply for leave from the office. Being romantic doesn’t mean you have to stop being practical.
Additionally, asking them to go for a trip with you shows that you want alone time with your partner, and the idea alone is flattering to anyone who has been in a relationship for a long time. It also shows that you noticed how hard your partner has been working for the past few months, and it’s time they take a break and relax.
#5 Tell Them How You Cherish Every Moment With Them
With the hustling to make a living and the daily chores that come with adulting, we often forget to tell our partners how much of the burden of life they take away with a simple smile. We forget, but let’s not anymore. It’s essential that we let people know that we cherish every second with them before it’s too late.
Love can easily take the backseat with all the business of life. When you fail to express love, your partner can easily feel neglected and taken for granted. Don’t let that happen.
#6 Love Letters
No, it’s not a thing of the past. If you have been wondering how to express love to your partner in words, here is your answer. Write your sweetheart a long love letter. Pour your heart into it. You can start by telling them how much you love and respect them. Talk a little bit about the day you knew for sure that you had fallen head over heels for them, and no force in this world can stop you from loving them forever. Write how you have seen them grow and how you have grown with them and for them. End the letter by making a promise to love them even in their worst because it’s already too easy to love them since they are the best.
#7 Ask Them To Hangout with Their Friends
Getting to see your friends when you are in a long-term relationship almost feels like a miracle. You go wherever your sweetheart goes and vice versa. Alone time with friends is equally important if you want to maintain your sanity and your partner’s too. A wise way of expressing how much you care for your partner is to ask them to hang out with their friends. Alone. Not with you piggybacking. Yes, your partner does not need permission to meet their buddies but coming from you, it will have a special meaning. It will also show that you respect their individuality and boundaries.
A Word From QuackQuack
Actions speak louder than words, but what if you add some romantic words to your romantic actions? I am pretty sure it will speak the loudest. If you have been stuck figuring out how to express love feelings in words for a while, follow any or all of these seven ways, and you will be good to go.