Tried and Tested Dating Advice For Singles in Their Late 30s

Dating in your 30s and late 30s can be somewhat different from dating in your 20s. You might wonder why? It’s the same person, same me. The differences primarily are in your priorities and preferences. While in your 20s, you were more laid back and relaxed, and dating was all about fun, in your 30s, things change. You start consciously looking for a partner with whom you can settle down in life. The dates you go on are more to look for a person you can marry rather than some fluky one-time thing. Even if you are not looking to get married, you still get fed up with all the experimental, wishy-washy dates.
Dating for the sake of dating is out of the window. In your late 30s, you are down to some serious business.
Dating as such is not an easy feat, and dating in your 30s comes with its own set of unique challenges. The shrinking dating pool, the pressure you feel because all your close friends are moving ahead in life, the family pressure, everything adds to the already-existing stress. In your late 30s, most of us barely have the energy to attend parties after a long stressful day at work. So, the chances of meeting someone there are out of the window.
You and your dates both come with baggage in your late 30s. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be negative. You both are more mature, you know what you don’t want, and you have more experience under your belt. You can use it to your advantage.
If you are navigating the dating field in your late 30s and finding it difficult, we are here to help. We have created a specially curated list of things that will help you glide it smoothly.
Be Precise About What You Want.
The late 30s are not the time you experiment. We understand that. If you don’t want some dead-end deal, be clear about your intentions. Whether you are looking for a long-term monogamous relationship or are just passing by, let your date know what you want. This will not only help you avoid wasting your time but also save you from emotional turmoil.
Your past experiences, happy times, and failures help you comprehend what you want and what you don’t. It can also help you figure out what kind of a partner you prefer.
Look At The Bigger Picture.

Focus on your date’s attitude and personality more than their appearance. While physical appearance is generally the first thing we notice about a person and the key factor in attraction, in your late 30s, you have more maturity. You know looks fade, behavior and core value stays.
In your late 30s, one disadvantage is that there’s no time to make mistakes. You fall in love with someone, get into a relationship, and find out that it is not working out between the two of you. It means you wasted precious time and have to do it all over again. So be careful while choosing a date or partner, and focus on the bigger picture.
Don’t Pay Heed To Societal Pressure.
Having said about the ticking time, it is also crucial to take the pressure off. With everyone around you already married or getting married, having babies, you can feel compelled to settle down. But rushing in the matters of the heart never ends well. You might end up choosing the wrong person in a hurry.
Let go of the societal norms of the perfect age to settle down, forget about the biological clock, and focus on falling in love because you found the one. Don’t let the urgency of having life sorted mess up your chances of finding true love.
Be Open To New Experiences.
In our 30s, we tend to be more set in our ways. The fact that we now know what we want in life can get in the path of having new experiences. Let go of such inhibitions and be more open and accepting. Times have changed since you were in your 20s. The dating game has also changed. Update yourself.
Also, by our late 30s, we have already gone through many heartbreaks, and we have our guards up. But the only way to find your soulmate is to let yourself be vulnerable and fall all in. It is scary, but you have a better idea of how the world works now than when you were a kid.
Don’t Settle
Just because you want to get the love thing sorted, don’t you settle for just about anyone. No, we are not suggesting you look for perfection and not give anyone who’s not a perfect ten a chance. But if someone is not aligned with you, don’t get into a relationship with the person just for the sake of it. Chances are, they too are, worried about the timeline, and you both end up with the wrong people and remain unhappy forever.
Don’t worry about the clock. Love has no age. Focus on your needs, and love will seek you out.
Word From QuackQuack
Dating in your 20s is more scattered, while in your 30s, you are focused on the end goal. As much as it is good to be determined, sometimes determined to fulfill the purpose, we lose sight of more important things. Like, having fun and being happy. Dating is fun. Don’t ever forget that!
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