8 Proven First Date Tips to Make Your Date Successful

First Date Tips

Dating isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t exactly a walk in the park either, especially first dates. There are a lot of things, and a nerve-wracking experience is one of them. Dating has changed a lot over the years. From begging your friends to set you up with a cutie to finding an ideal partner from an app, dating scenes have undergone a drastic change. But do you know what has not changed? The anxiety that you get on a first date. Unfortunately, that has not changed one bit. So we have come up with ten first date tips that might calm your nerves slightly; now that you get to be much better prepared for it.

Why do we feel nervous on the first date?

There are really myriad reasons for that, and rightfully so. We want to make a perfect impression; I mean, they say the first impression is the last. That itself is a distressing enough thought to make a grown man panic. You are eager to meet your date, but you can’t look overly keen either. It’s all about the perfect balance, and that can be tricky. You don’t want to offend your date with any controversial talks, so you mind every word that falls out of your mouth; you even worry about what food to order so that you don’t seem like a messy eater. There are just too many elements to worry about on a first date, and it’s perfectly okay that you are sweating right now, wondering how on earth you will ever come out of it successfully.

It’s alright. Take a deep breath. We have got you covered. Here are ten first-date tips that will help you feel confident enough to dream about a second and third date.

#1 First Date Spots 

Choosing the right spot for your first date is crucial. It can make or break your chances with your potential partner. So how do you pick the perfect place? Here are a few ideas:

  • Do not pick a place that has loud music. You want to talk to your date and get to know them. Music, as good a mood-setter as it is, can be distracting when it’s too loud.
  • Don’t go to fancy restaurants for a first date. You might find it easy to pay for the fancy and costly dinner, but it’s not necessary that your date feel the same way. Instead, choose a cozy cafe.
  • Going for a movie on your first date is the worst possible idea. Again, this day is all about getting to know each other. Activities can wait for some other day.
  • Public spaces over secluded areas. You have to keep your safety and your date’s comfort in mind while picking a place for the first date. No hotel rooms or calling home your date. 
  • Choose an eatery that serves finger-sized food. You don’t want your burger falling apart in front of your date on the very first day. 

#2 Safety is Important

Safety in dating has been a concern ever since the day people realized they are prone to falling in love. It does not matter which era it is or which mode of dating you choose while finding your soulmate. Treading the path to true love vigilantly is essential if you want to date safely. 

Safety is your priority. What are the steps you can take to date with caution?

  • Public place over private. Neither you nor your date should choose to go to each other’s homes for the first date.
  • Let your trusted friends and family know your whereabouts at all times during the first date. If there are any plan changes, update them.
  • Do not share your home address during the first date. They might seem perfect, but you still don’t know them well enough to share such personal details.
  • Financial discussions should be off-limits on the first date.

#3 Quality Conversation

Quality conversation happens when both people get enough time to talk. It’s not conversation when it’s just one person doing all the talking, and the other is forced to listen. We understand that you have a lot you say during the first date, but you should be keener on listening and understanding your date. Ask them intriguing questions that not only fetch you some real answers but also show how much you want to know them. For instance:

  • Ask them about their non-negotiables.
  • How do they define commitment?
  • What is a perfect relationship for them?
  • Worst habits?
  • Biggest weakness?
  • Family dynamics.
  • Favorites.

There are uncountable questions you can ask your date to have a quality conversation on your first date. Follow these first-date conversation tips, and you will find your conversation flowing in no time.

#4 Dress to Impress

Physical appearance is crucial on a first date; get off your high horses and start putting in an effort to look good on your first date. “They will like me for who I am” might be another way of saying, “I am not interested in making an effort for you.”

  • Dress for the occasion. No one wants to see their date coming in sweatpants. Nobody is that cool. It’s plain lazy dressing.
  • Brush your hair, tame your beard, and don’t forget the mint.
  • Focus on your shoes. It says a lot about a person.
  • Wear a statement piece that makes you stand out in the crowd. Maybe a watch or neckpiece.
  • Perfume. Let your date remember you by a distinct smell so that the next time they get a whiff of something similar, you come to mind.

#5 Compliments

Among the first-date conversation tips, compliments are a must. Men and women both equally enjoy compliments. Go ahead, and shower your date with compliments on the first date. But did you know some compliments work better than others? These are the ones that are a perfect mix of your inner beauty and the outer. For instance, you say, “wow, you look amazing,” that’s okay, but what if you rephrase and say, “I thought you were brilliant; you are just as beautiful.” Do you see how your compliment no longer seems like it is focused on the superficial aspects of your date? Try it the next time you go on a first date.

Also Read : 6 Tips On How To Start A Conversation With A Guy

#6 Look Out For Red Flags 

If you have missed some odd behaviors during the ‘talking over the phone phase,’ you will surely catch it during the first date; that is if you are looking closely. Most of us start looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses the moment we find whom we might love one day. That is why it is more important to watch out for red flags during the initial phases of the relationship, and the first date is the perfect time for it. It’s the day you both are allowed to gauge each other without judgment; that is one of the purposes of going on this date. If you see signs of aggression, rudeness, lying, making crude comments about their ex, and other obvious red flags, run.

#7 Date Manners

According to many studies, daters who exhibit good manners on a first date have better chances of getting a second and third. The next time you go on a date, follow these first date tips:

  • Hold the door open for your partner.
  • Pull out their chair if you go to a moderately formal restaurant.
  • Let them pick out the food.
  • Do not curse in front of your date.
  • No work talks.
  • Do not use your phone during the date.
  • Offer to pay, but don’t force them if they are keen on splitting.
  • Offer to drop them off at home.

#8 Follow Up

Everyone talks about the first date; no one tells you what to do after. Following up after the first date is crucial. Even if you did not like the person, make sure to thank them for coming to meet you. And if you had a good time, definitely let your date know as soon as you reach home. The “wait for three days” or “wait for them to contact you” is utterly overrated and will mess up your chances of having another date with this person, let alone the future.

First Date Tips – Final Takeaway

Dating can be a long journey, but whether or not it will be an uncomfortable one, depends on how you go about it. Follow these eight dating tips, and you might not just find love but also have fun on the way.

Note: Image credit to unsplash.com

Tarab Rizvi

I am a writer and an enthusiast who has been a part of various freelancing agencies and have contributed as a blog maker, content creator as well as editor. I am always looking for opportunities that will help me to grow in a diverse environment. Currently working as a content freelancer at QuackQuack, one of the largest dating app for singles, which has encouraged me to succeed and grow professionally by utilizing my skills and knowledge appropriately.