Tips To Perfectly Optimize Your Online Dating Profile For More Matches.

So, finally, you have joined the online dating game. Now you are spending all your waking hours liking and skipping profiles. So, what are you doing here? Is it because you are not getting as many matches as you expected? Well, the best possible reason is your profile is not optimized perfectly. That’s the game changer in the online dating world.
Creating an online dating profile can be a daunting task. It is not easy to talk about yourself and not sound braggy or, worse, desperate.
The profile picture you put up, what you write in your bio and how to write it, and the opening line you use- everything works to make your profile the right amount eye-catching. We have curated the top tips to make that happen.
Do Your Research
While we are here to help you with some proven tips, the first suggestion would be to check out other profiles. It can be the profiles of the people you liked. What is it that attracted you to their profile? Is it their profile photo, or how effortless their bio looks, or all of it, maybe? Take note. Try to incorporate the things you liked in their profile into yours.
You can also take note of the profile details you did not find to be necessary or did not like in general. Make sure not to use those in yours. When in doubt, research. Draw inspiration from others.
The 70-30 Bio Rule
Of course, your bio speaks a volume about you. But it should also voice your intentions. Whether you are looking for a long-term exclusive relationship or you are passing by and looking for fun hook-ups, your bio should mention it all. It would only save your time and energy to explain it all.
One rookie mistake is to cram the about me section with things only about you. The name suggests it, I know. But use it to your benefit. Take up some space to write about what you want in your partner. You can also mention the deal-breakers. Not only will this fetch you more matches, but also more compatible matches.
So, from now on, when you write your bio, remember, 30% about yourself and 70% about who you want to date.
Cliches Are A Big NO-NO.
Whether it is how you write your profile or the opening line you use, try and avoid cliches. As great a deal online dating is, it can swallow your identity and leave you as one of the many faces in the sea of people trying out their luck in the dating pool.
“I love traveling,” “I love music,” etc. can make you sound like a broken record. Even if you love all those things, try conveying them more uniquely. Talk about what sets you apart from others.
It takes a person only a brief few seconds to decide whether or not to skip your profile. Make them pause with your uniqueness. How well you stand out in the crowd of daters will determine how much time your matches will invest in your profile.
Say Cheese.
You must already know the importance of a profile picture. It is the first thing that people see. In short, if you don’t set an updated and well-defined display picture, you don’t get matches. At least not someone worth your time.
Now, the trick is to use a picture that makes you look warm and welcoming. What’s more inviting than a smiling face? Add a few candids or at least some plandids. There’s something about a candid. It almost gives you a feeling that you know this person, or maybe they seem more relatable.
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Caught In Action
Try to put up pictures that show you in action. Action shots are said to fetch more matches. Whether it’s your favorite activity or fake walking, an action shot can get you more action. It gives people a peek into your true self or the notion that they are witnessing who you are.
Do not put a group picture. You want your matches to be clear about who you are, not confuse them further. No one loves to play the guessing game.
A Word From QuackQuack
Every second, someone is getting rejected in the online dating world. That’s one way of looking at it. Another angle shows the people connecting and forming a lifelong bond. Your profile decides which side you will be on. Don’t get rejected, not by the one who matters.
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